Fontana di Papa Giulio III
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คะแนน 3.5 จาก 5 แต้ม11 รีวิว

Massimiliano P
โนวารา, อิตาลี41,581 ผลงาน
คะแนน 2.0 จาก 5 แต้ม
ส.ค. ค.ศ. 2021
La fontana di Papa Giulio III si trova all’incrocio tra via Flaminia e via di Villa Giulia, addossata ad un angolo smussato di palazzo Borromeo. Edificata nel corso del XVI secolo, prima che fosse costruito il palazzo, era una fontana monumentale adornata da statue ed obelischi, opere ormai tutte sparite. Le modifiche apportate nel corso degli anni ne hanno modificato profondamente l’aspetto originale e oggi appare come incompleta e priva di coerenza tra l’imponente fondo a due ordini sovrapposti addossato al palazzo e la piccola fontana ai suoi piedi. La fontana è costituita da una piccola vasca quadrangolare in cui l’acqua fluisce attraverso un mascherone centrale e due figure di animali marini ai lati. Poco valorizzata, rischia di passare inosservata soprattutto se si percorre via Flaminia in direzione di piazza del Popolo.
เขียนเมื่อ 20 พฤศจิกายน ค.ศ. 2021
รีวิวนี้เป็นความเห็นหรือทัศนะของสมาชิก Tripadvisor และไม่ใช่ของ Tripadvisor LLC Tripadvisor ทำการตรวจสอบรีวิว

โมนาโก65,418 ผลงาน
คะแนน 3.0 จาก 5 แต้ม
มี.ค. ค.ศ. 2021 • เพื่อนๆ
If by chance you are not tired and you want to walk a stretch of Via Flaminia, starting from Piazzale Flaminio, after about 20 minutes you will find this interesting fountain on the right.
The fountain was built at the behest of Pope Julius III, between 1552 and 1553, on the outer wall of the pope's extra-urban villa, on the corner between via Flaminia and via di Villa Giulia.
Inspired by the water exhibitions of the Roman era, this monumental wall fountain was fed by the Aqua Vergine aqueduct, whose pipes ran in the property of the Pope's family.
After the death of pope Julius III and a series of conflicting hereditary events, the villa passed to Pope Pius IV who donated the part towards the Via Flaminia to his nephews Federico and Carlo Borromeo.
The appearance of the fountain therefore changed considerably: in 1561, on a design by Pirro Ligorio, the construction works of the building above the fountain, known as "La Palazzina of Pius IV", started and probably the statues crowning it were removed.
The pope's coat of arms was inserted in the upper façade, supported by the two winged victories, together with the inscription with the name of Cardinal Charles Borromeo, while in the columns and corner pilasters the Ionic order replaced the Corinthian of the lower part, the oldest and all in peperino.
On the sides of the central body there are the compartments of two quadrangular niches.
The two rectangular windows, decorated in the upper part with festoons, volutes and central coat of arms, echoed the motif of the two niches of the order below.
In 1566 prince Filippo Colonna replaced the original inscription of pope Julius III with the epigraph bearing his name and instead of Apollo's head he placed the mask, the coat of arms and the two dolphins of the current composition on the basin.
Finally, in 1750, pope Benedict XIV of the Lambertini family had his coat of arms placed in the center of the tympanum.
All in all, this is the story of a remarkable fountain that has undergone many vicissitudes over the centuries: a long history, really, and always for reasons of power and personal vanity.
เขียนเมื่อ 10 กรกฎาคม ค.ศ. 2021
รีวิวนี้เป็นความเห็นหรือทัศนะของสมาชิก Tripadvisor และไม่ใช่ของ Tripadvisor LLC Tripadvisor ทำการตรวจสอบรีวิว

claudio d
วิเทอร์โบ, อิตาลี41,183 ผลงาน
คะแนน 3.0 จาก 5 แต้ม
มิ.ย. ค.ศ. 2020
Fontana che in origine risaliva alla metà del '500, appendice di Villa Giulia e posta proprio alla confluenza di via Flaminia con via di Villa Giulia.
L'aspetto originario della fontana, opera dell'Ammannati, era al tempo completamente diverso dall'attuale, in quanto si ergeva isolata e non addossata ad alcun edificio (il palazzo Borromeo, su un lato del quale oggi la fontana è posta, è stato infatti costruito alcuni anni più tardi) e molto più ricca di statue.
Gli interventi successivi, oltre diminuirne la monumentalità, ne hanno alterato la coerenza architettonica, il tutto unito al degrado degli agenti atmosferici, con il risultato che oggi possiamo vedere. Lo stemma papale inserito nel timpano non è più quello di Giulio III, committente della fontana, bensì di Benedetto XIV.
La decorazione posta sopra al timpano (costituita dallo stemma di papa Pio IV Medici con ai lati di statue alate e il tutto racchiuso da 2 colonne ioniche) è anch'essa successiva alla fontana originaria e a mio avviso non c'entra nulla con la fontana ma costituisce una decorazione del palazzo Borromeo, come ricorda anche la scritta sotto al citato stemma papale di Pio IV.
Davanti alla fontana di Giulio III vi è la fontana delle Conche, nel suo aspetto dovuto alle modifiche novecentesche (la vecchia versione della stessa fontana la trovate pochi metri più avanti sullo stesso lato di via Flaminia).
เขียนเมื่อ 19 มิถุนายน ค.ศ. 2020
รีวิวนี้เป็นความเห็นหรือทัศนะของสมาชิก Tripadvisor และไม่ใช่ของ Tripadvisor LLC Tripadvisor ทำการตรวจสอบรีวิว

12,085 ผลงาน
คะแนน 4.0 จาก 5 แต้ม
พ.ค. ค.ศ. 2019
On the corner of the building of Pius IV along Via Flaminia at the entrance of the alley of Villa Giulia, you can see what remains of the large fountain that Pope Julius III had erected in 1552 by Bartolomeo Ammannati. This remarkable and very interesting fountain which over the centuries has undergone various vicissitudes, still existing . The current appearance of the fountain, rather modest is completely different not only from the original one, but also from the numerous modifications and variations that it underwent over time. Today it is made up of two overlapping orders: the lower one has the central part with two nimble Corinthian marble columns that support the architrave, in whose interrupted tympanum is the battered papal coat of arms of Benedict XIV Lambertini . Between the high bases on which the columns rest, a winged mask and the two dolphins that flank it, and pour water into a large rectangular tank with rounded corners. It is worth a visit, when you are nearby.
เขียนเมื่อ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ ค.ศ. 2020
รีวิวนี้เป็นความเห็นหรือทัศนะของสมาชิก Tripadvisor และไม่ใช่ของ Tripadvisor LLC Tripadvisor ทำการตรวจสอบรีวิว

千葉3,492 ผลงาน
คะแนน 3.0 จาก 5 แต้ม
พ.ย. ค.ศ. 2018 • คู่รัก
เขียนเมื่อ 5 พฤษภาคม ค.ศ. 2019
รีวิวนี้เป็นความเห็นหรือทัศนะของสมาชิก Tripadvisor และไม่ใช่ของ Tripadvisor LLC Tripadvisor ทำการตรวจสอบรีวิว

โอซาก้า, ญี่ปุ่น3,406 ผลงาน
คะแนน 3.0 จาก 5 แต้ม
พ.ค. ค.ศ. 2018 • เดินทางคนเดียว
เขียนเมื่อ 30 มีนาคม ค.ศ. 2019
รีวิวนี้เป็นความเห็นหรือทัศนะของสมาชิก Tripadvisor และไม่ใช่ของ Tripadvisor LLC Tripadvisor ทำการตรวจสอบรีวิว

คาวาซากิ, ญี่ปุ่น8,021 ผลงาน
คะแนน 3.0 จาก 5 แต้ม
พ.ค. ค.ศ. 2018 • ครอบครัว

เขียนเมื่อ 5 กันยายน ค.ศ. 2018
รีวิวนี้เป็นความเห็นหรือทัศนะของสมาชิก Tripadvisor และไม่ใช่ของ Tripadvisor LLC Tripadvisor ทำการตรวจสอบรีวิว

Flo P
โรม, อิตาลี31,449 ผลงาน
คะแนน 4.0 จาก 5 แต้ม
พ.ย. ค.ศ. 2017 • เดินทางคนเดียว
Un tempo era diversa , oggi presenta numerose mancanze. Un mascherone alato sovrastato da uno stemma papale, i due delfini che la fiancheggiano versano l'acqua in una vasca .
เขียนเมื่อ 14 พฤศจิกายน ค.ศ. 2017
รีวิวนี้เป็นความเห็นหรือทัศนะของสมาชิก Tripadvisor และไม่ใช่ของ Tripadvisor LLC Tripadvisor ทำการตรวจสอบรีวิว

gian1063 🇮🇹🇲🇹
โรม, อิตาลี4,649 ผลงาน
คะแนน 4.0 จาก 5 แต้ม
ก.พ. ค.ศ. 2017 • ครอบครัว
Fra i tanti monumenti che un tempo caratterizzavano il paesaggio di quella Roma appunto detta "Smarrita e sparita" vi è questa fontana o piuttosto il suo simulacro , legato al nome del papa che ne fu l'ispiratore e mecenate , ma che oggi è molto sminuita , addossata ad un edificio che è l'ambasciata d'Italia presso la Santa sede, edificio che un tempo ospitava la villa extraurbana di questo pontefice rinascimentale . Sarebbe più corretto chiamarla con il nome di "FONTANA DELL'ACQUA VERGINE" , che conduceva questa famosa acqua attraverso i terreni della villa sino all'Urbe. Anche la fontana seguì nei secoli le vicende dell'immobile cui è legata , passando ai Borromeo principi e santi , che solo dopo alcuni anni ne modificarono la mostra monumentale , avendo riedificato il loro palazzo su via Flaminia , appunto addossato alla fontana , togliendo le statue ed inserendo sul coronamento lo stemma di famiglia con le due vittorie alate, nonchè l'iscrizione che reca il nome del cardinal Carlo Borromeo. Il secolo successivo , il Seicento vide la modifica nella parte inferiore presso la vasca , allorchè il principe Colonna inserì il suo stemma,il mascherone ed i i due delfini dell’attuale composizione. Infine, nel 1750, Benedetto XIV fece collocare il proprio stemma al centro del timpano a suggellare un incessante mutamento architettonico (piuttosto di simboli araldici) che seguono lo scorrere incessante dell'acqua Vergine. Oggi però anche la fontana è persa nel caos di macchine della Flaminia , quasi un indicatore delle attività impiantate in quello che fu un parco rigoglioso fuori le mura e, materiali originali e compositi quali il peperino , la selce, il granito, il ferro ed il travertino ed il marmo venato appaiono consumati dallo smog delle macchine e dall'incuria dei romani che certo faticano a ricostruire il contesto monumentale in cui era inserita la fonte. La zona , quasi un appartato angolo, oggi denominata Valle Giulia doveva essere magnifica, circondata da giochi d'acqua, statue , un fitto parco, il famoso ninfeo creato nel parco,
เขียนเมื่อ 14 พฤศจิกายน ค.ศ. 2017
รีวิวนี้เป็นความเห็นหรือทัศนะของสมาชิก Tripadvisor และไม่ใช่ของ Tripadvisor LLC Tripadvisor ทำการตรวจสอบรีวิว

raffaele g
เปสการา, อิตาลี22,272 ผลงาน
คะแนน 4.0 จาก 5 แต้ม
เม.ย. ค.ศ. 2017 • เพื่อนๆ
Mi sono soffermato sulla soluzione d'angolo del palazzo e sulla realizzazione compositiva della fontana Rinascimentale. Una soluzione interessante sull'angolo smussato del Palazzo di PIO IV - di tipo funzionale - oggi sede dell'Ambasciata dello Stato Italiano Presso La Santa Sede. Fontana della metà del 500- una sfida del Papa a trovare e portare in quel luogo l'acqua con la pubblica utilità del bene e utilizzabile come abbeveratoio. Una bella composizione Rinascimentale arricchita dal timpano ,colonne ed una serie di figure allegoriche e mitologiche.
เขียนเมื่อ 14 พฤษภาคม ค.ศ. 2017
รีวิวนี้เป็นความเห็นหรือทัศนะของสมาชิก Tripadvisor และไม่ใช่ของ Tripadvisor LLC Tripadvisor ทำการตรวจสอบรีวิว

แสดงผลลัพธ์ 1-10 จาก 11
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Fontana di Papa Giulio III (โรม, อิตาลี) - รีวิว - Tripadvisor

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