Being greeted by the executive at the counter I have been presented with a bamboo tray , clean and decorated with a decent dimension of twenty inches long and ten inches width . It contained even more decorative bamboo basket pale brownish in external texture with the gap between the bamboo strips allowing the momo steam from inside seeking window airing to come outside to greet me with my nose nearing to the basket more and more for a deep inhale . Opening the basket my eyes caught on the wh – รูปถ่ายของ Quest Mall, โกลกาตา (กัลกัตตา)
ภาพถ่ายของ : Being greeted by the executive at the counter I have been presented with a bamboo tray , clean and decorated with a decent dimension of twenty inches long and ten inches width . It contained even more decorative bamboo basket pale brownish in external texture with the gap between the bamboo strips allowing the momo steam from inside seeking window airing to come outside to greet me with my nose nearing to the basket more and more for a deep inhale . Opening the basket my eyes caught on the wh
จากรีวิว : Quest Mall ของ Quest Mall